Thursday, November 19, 2009

Woman In A Man's Sport

You may be wondering if I have come across people who say: Women can't play football. Well, I have of course but it doesn't really bother me because their arguments are just silly to my well trained ears.

I grew up a female athlete. I know that when I play pick up basketball that I have to work twice as hard and that most guys won't pass me the ball until they realize I can play. I know that women's sports haven't gotten the attention of the men.

However I firmly believe that football is a bit different. A funny thing happens when you put on shoulder pads and a helmet. People forget you are women. They start identifying you as a football player.

We might get the occassional giggle from the stands. But then we start to tackle and those same giggles turn into disblieve that a girl could hit like that.

Baseball is no longer America's favorite past time. It's now football. Football is the closest we get to the soccer holligans of the world. We watch a sport that is normally played once a week, every day of the week, multiple times a day, and on muliple screens.

I believe that once people are aware of women's football...they love it. Because it's football.

Now there are those out there as well that feel like women who play football are trying to some how be more masculine. Try Again. We just love the sport. Yes, it's rough. But who says women can't be strong? Who says women can't be empowered by using their bodies as an instrument other than for sex or birthing? Who wrote the rule that women can't be just as fierce and determined as men?

Come out and watch us play and you will realize that women playing football is not against the law of physics.

Actually Isaac Newton would probably enjoy women's football.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

LaGarrett Blount

I am also an avid Univeristy of Oregon Duck fan. This means I've been dealing with the aftermath of "The Punch" heard and seen around the world. At the time I was watching the game with my roommates and their friends who are mostly Beavers. I pretty much was like great. Where was that passion during the game?

I woke up the next day not being able to get away from it. Everyone was talking about it. At work. On the radio. It was on CNN on my phone.

At the time I thought that the 1 year suspension was a bit harsh but warranted.

Now Blount has been re-instated. This has left me torn. I have felt like in his absence, LaMichael James and his back up Barner have stepped up and have flourished in the opporunity. I feel like why would you want to mess with an offense that has been clicking on all cylinders?

But then again, I listen to the people calling in on the radio who think he should have been basically banished to Siberia without a jacket and vodka. These are the same people that think Michael Vick should have been in prison for 30 years.

My opinion is people deserve second chances if they complete their appointed punishment. If you commit a crime and do the should have an opportunity to move on. This doesn't mean that the seas should part, but it does mean that you should have a chance to earn a life.
My problem is not that Blount is coming back. My problem is that Chip went back on his original punishment.
What exactly is this world of sports justice that we have created? Why is it so different from the real world?